Resource hypotheses:
The affair helps the woman to gain
- additional material and immaterial resources
- a higher status,
- Protection for herself and her children,
- Support for herself and her children from different men, when neither man knows for sure if he is the biological father.
Genetic hypotheses:
The affair helps the woman to have
- better genes for her child if she gets pregnant by a man who has better genes than her regular partner,
- greater genetic diversity,
- a physically attractive partner and therefore more attractive sons, which in turn ensure a higher probability of reproduction in the next generation,
- Ensuring fertility if the regular partner is unable to procreate.
Partner switching hypotheses:
Cheating enables the woman to
- to better evaluate a potential long-term partner
- to get rid of her regular partner,
- to find a better partner.
Ability acquisition hypotheses:
The affair enables the woman to
- to improve her seduction skills
- increase her self-esteem and thus make better partner selection decisions,
- to gain clarity about her partner preferences.
Partner Manipulation Hypotheses:
Cheating enables the woman to
- induce a stronger commitment in her regular partner,
- to take revenge on her regular partner for his infidelity.